TV Talk #2: Buffy the Vampire Slayer & More

Netflix is a dangerous, dangerous thing. I've been meaning to post another TV Talk post after my Pretty Little Liars one (which, I admit, I haven't watched in a while, but I hope to get back to it soon. I have this problem where I start a show on Netflix, get into it, watch two or so seasons, then some other shiny show comes along and bam--I'm like that squirrel from Up), and I figured, it's not like I have any reviews to post (almost an entire month on hiatus and I have no reviews; I know, shun me). BUT, maybe this will clear up why I have no reviews to post. Because, as I said before, Netflix is dangerous to my productivity.

Reason for not reading #1: Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Okay, now before you all shun me for not having seen this show until about two months ago, later is better than never, no? And if you still want to shun me, does it help if I say that I absolutely love this show? *bats eyelashes* While the special effects in Buffy may be horrendously cheesy (oh 90's, you so cray), this is one fun as hell show which absolutely fantastic character development and hysterical and witty dialogue. Xander is amazing, I adooooore Willow, Buffy is kick-ass, Giles is Giles (and trust me, that's a compliment), Cordelia... I'm warming up to her, mostly because I'm getting some Xandelia vibes from her, and everything else in this show is just absolutely fantastic. ALSO, Spike. I haven't reached the part where he becomes one of the good guys yet, but damn he is one charming villain. 

I should have known I would have loved Sarah Michelle Gellar in Buffy after loving Ringer with a passion (and yes, I'm still very bitter that it was cancelled), and I should have known I would have loved Alyson Hannigan in Buffy because she is awesome in How I Met Your Mother (another one of my obsessions that I stopped watching because I got distracted by something else. But I watched seven seasons of HIMYM, in far too short of a time period than I'd care to admit). I hadn't known any of the other actors in Buffy before watching it, but they're all spectacular, and I hear Michelle Trachtenberg (or however you spell her name) is in the show as Buffy's sister in the later seasons, so I'll keep my eye open for that. 

But I'm really torn on whether I want to ship Xander and Buffy, Xander and Willow, or Xander and Cordelia. I don't like Buffy with Angel, and Xander needs to be with somebody. He must. 

Fellow Buffy fan? Flail with me in the comments!

Other TV obsessions/reasons why I won't be getting much reading done, either: 

Masterchef: I am so excited that this has started up again last week, you guys, you have no idea. Easily one of my favorite competition shows, and easily my favorite show involving cooking. And Gordon Ramsey certainly doesn't do anything to detract from my love for this show. 

The Bachelorette: NO JUDGING. I watched the season premiere last week and I enjoyed it in that way you enjoy watching something like a trainwreck, and I will not apologize for probably continuing to watch this season, likely while in pajamas, eating ice cream. 

Big Brother (15): EEEEE! 24 days and counting! 


  1. This is one of my favourite shows - I got the seven season boxset for Christmas last year but I haven't watched it yet, I'm saving it for a two or three week binge! I can't tell you who I ship, though, because it actually happens and I wouldn't want to ruin it for you!

    1. I've been surrounded by the hype for this show for practically as long as I can remember, but I never actually watched more than a few minutes of an episode that I caught on TV when I was younger. I don't know why I waited so long! It's amazing.

  2. GAHHH! I LOVE LOVE LOVE Buffy! I haven't seen the show in so long and I still need to finish the later seasons. It just gets better and better and never stops. By the sounds of your shipping choices you're in Season 2? or 3? I loved their high school years. Everything was so much easier and happier. Around that time, I definitely ship Xander and Corderlia. I ship 'em HARD. Xander and Willow seems too weird for me -__- And I know what you mean about not wanting to ship Buffy and Angel together but they are the best option as a couple, in my opinion. It gets complicated later on anyways. I really want to blabber on about it some more but I'm gonna stop cause I should stop myself while I can.

    1. Eeeeee! I can definitely see why! I'm going to binge watch it tonight. And yes, I am somewhere towards the middle of season 2. I think I read somewhere that Spike became on of the good guys at the end of season 2 or something? To fight against Giles? (Which both confuses me and scares me at the same time. GILES, NOOO!) The Xandelia vibes have only just begun to arise, but I definitely see their relationship heading that way. And I agree that Xander and Willow are a bit weird together, but Willow neeeeds to end up with someone. I love her and she needs a love interest. And I'm hoping Buffy and Angel as a couple grow on me. I like Angel as a character, but with Buffy I'm rather ambivalent towards them. I think it's because they're proclaiming their love for each other, and while the show has taken place over the course of a year or so, so they've known each other for about a year, my mind makes me think that the amount of screen time their relationship gets doesn't equate to the entire year they've known each other, so everything in that relationship seems too fast when it's really not. That was probably really confusing. *shrugs*

  3. OMG I loved Buffy!! I watched it like a maniac when it was on TV!! (Yes, that's showing my age!) I need to get all of the seasons on DVD and have a marathon!! Ahhh!! Now I want to watch it after reading your post!!

    1. Ah! I can definitely see why! It's fantastic. I've been binge watching it on Netflix.

  4. I'm in the midst of watching Buffy, I'm still on the first season! I'm going to try to watch more of it this summer.
    -Scott Reads It

    1. Oh, the first season is so much fun. I hope you enjoy it, Scott!

  5. Eek, Spike!!
    I'm honestly watching Buffy just to see Spike.
    And oh my goodness, thanks for reminding me to watch this week's episode of Masterchef!

    1. Ha, I'm looking forward to when I'll fall head over heels for Spike like most people seem to have! And I love Masterchef. So much. Enjoy!

  6. I love this show!! My nieces and I have had at least 2 Buffy marathons where we watched all seven seasons! Don't forget Angel..some of the episodes are crossovers :)

    1. I already have Angel (the spinoff) on my instant queue in Netflix. Once I'm done with all seasons of Buffy I will likely be starting Angel immediately. :)

  7. Buffy has been my favorite show for the last 16 years and I am so excited that you're watching and loving it!

  8. I haven't watched Buffy in forever. When I was in elementary school they used to play reruns (yes I wasn't around when Buffy was made or maybe I was but was too little to understand it) every morning on TNT and I would watch ceremoniously each day. I miss it and seeing this brought back memories.

    1. That must be remedied! TO NETFLIX! But I'm glad this post brought back memories. :)

  9. I love Buffy. I had to own all the seasons, and bought each one after it came out on DVD while the next season was going on. I'm glad you've finally joined the Buffyverse! And it is one of the shows that if it is on, I can't do anything but watch.

    1. I'm glad I've finally joined, too! I plan on sitting down and watching a few episodes after I finish my current read. :)

  10. GAH, Angel/Buffy FOREVER. HEHE. But seriously, girl, SO glad you're watching and loving Buffy. Willow continues to be a-freaking-mazing throughout the show, and I just want to talk books with Giles all day long. And Xander...Xander, well. Everyone needs a Xander-shaped friend.

    I didn't care for Cordelia the first time I watched the show, but that was years ago, and knowing things helped me my next few marathons. Speaking of, I haven't watched any of Buffy this year... ;)

    Molli | Once Upon a Prologue

    1. I'm really hoping I start growing on them as a couple soon! I really like Angel, just not so much with Buffy. Yet. *shrugs* And YES. Everybody needs a Xander-shaped friend. And Cordelia is starting to grow on me.

  11. YAY! Definitely better late than never! This is one of my all-time favourite TV shows. I watched Angel last year and keep thinking I should rewatch Buffy but there are soooo many other shows I'm watching (and I just finally realized the other night that that's why I haven't been getting as many books read lately - oops!). I always sort of waffled on who I wanted together...I liked Buffy and Angel but I always had a secret hope for Buffy and Xander, and then Buffy and...well, a couple other characters that I won't mention. It's just such a fantastic show with amazing characters.

    ~Marie @ Ramblings of a Daydreamer

    1. Oh, I know the feeling. I am watching SO many shows live and on Netflix. (Though I tend to be awful at committing to shows live unless I hyper love them, so after a few episodes I typically drift out of watching it.) And yes, I definitely have a secret hope for Buffy and Xander, though that's never going to happen. *sigh*

  12. One of my favourites. I really followed it when it first aired on TV. But I didn't manage to catch the last season or so...have got to rent it some day.

    1. Oh, I hope you get to catch the last season eventually!

  13. First point...I am INSANELY pissed Ringer did not get picked up. It was one of my favorite shows last year! I do not understand The CW most days.
    I have slowly been watching Buffy over the last few months and I am so glad I am able to watch them at my own pace because every once in awhile I go all WHAT IS THIS MADNESS I NEED TO WATCH ALL THE EPISODES..and watch 8 episodes back to back to back. There is some amazing writing done for that show and I have been blown away so many times. Honestly the Halloween episode from season 2 was one of the best episodes of any show ever. AND the musical episode! I am currently starting the last season and I don't want it to end! I have actually heard the Buffy comics are a continuation of the show and that they are actually worth picking up.
    Are you planning on watching Angel as well?

    1. YES! So pissed about Ringer. Fantastic show.

      AND OMG DOUBLE YES. I was RAVING about the Halloween episode on Twitter when I watched it. EASILY one of my favorite episodes in the entire show thus far, if not my favorite episode. Amazing, amazing, amazing, amazing. I haven't reached the musical episode yet, but I've heard that and the silent episode are of the best. And yes, I'll definitely be watching Angel once I finish Buffy! You?

    2. I hear so many people who loved the silent episode and I thought it was good but nothing to write home about. I started watching Angel simultaneously once he left Buffy. I think it's season 4 of Buffy and season 1 on Angel? I do that just because there have been a few cross over story lines (nothing too important where you can't pick up what's going on). The Halloween episode actually comes up various times later (if it hasn't already happened yet!)


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