Today's Releases (January 22)





Ouch, my wallet! All three of today's releases that I've bought are in the top row: Everbound, Boundless, and The Archived, and while three books may seem like a low considering the amount of books I bought two weeks ago, those three books were pretty damn expensive. But I think the worst part is that I don't know which book I want to read first. I really want to get to Everbound, because I've been assured by many that I will like it much, much more than I liked Everneath, so I'm actually pretty excited; but I also really want to get to Everbound first because I want to avoid the inevitable spoilers  that will show up in my feed concerning who Clara chooses, and I also want to read The Archived first just because it sounds awesome. HELP ME DECIDE! Also, tell me which of today's releases you'll be buying, and happy reading! 


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