Happy (Belated) Valentine's Day!


On behalf of the creeps peeps at Finding Bliss in Books, we wish y'all a Happy (belated) Valentine's Day! (This is Mel writing the intro by the way.) Originally, this post was going to be posted on Valentine's Day but we ended up getting more authors for guest posts than we had planned. Nevertheless, we are going to celebrate Valentine's Day the bookish way with a giveaway! *cue squealing* *throws chocolate hearts everywhere* We decided to create a BuzzFeed-ish type quiz so you can decide which book would be more suited for you to win (because this way it's way more fun). All you need to do is choose one answer (A, B or C) to the questions and then it gets quite self-explanatory after that.

1. If your love life was a book, its title would be:

A. Nights of Cake and Puppets
B. Maybe One Day
C. Ruin and Rising

2. What's your favourite type of romance?

A. Friends falling for each other.
B. The slow burn.
C. From hate to love.

3. You respond with:

A. "Heeeeeyyyyy."
B. "What's up?"
C. "Nope."

4. You're writing The Ideal Date Mate Manifesto. How would you start?

A. Blind me with your charm.
B. Dazzle me with your wit.
C. Smite my enemies.
(Thanks Meg, for putting it so eloquently)

5. Which bookish date would you want to reenact?

A. Reading each other stories à la Fangirl
B. Career days à la The Distance Between Us
C. Battling enemies side by side à la Finnikin of the Rock

6. You'd abbreviate Valentine's Day as:

A. V-Day
B. Valentine's

7. Pick a Valentine's Day card:




8. A good relationship functions on:

A. Banter
B. Honesty
C. (Sexual) tension

9. Pick a dessert:

A. Cupcakes (Yes, plural)
B. Pudding
C. Sachertorte

10. Which trope are you, admittedly, not entirely burned out on yet?

A. Faking it
B. Love triangles
C. Bad boys

11. Pick a Stiles:




12. Which flaw are you able to tolerate best?

A. Your partner can be completely clueless.
B. Your partner can be a bit of an asshole at times.
C. Your partner has a quick temper.

13. Ideal hairstyle:

A. Floppy-haired
D. Bedhead
C. Full of secrets

14. Choose a bad pick-up line:

A. Feel my shirt. It's boyfriend material.
B. I seem to have lost my number. Can I have yours?
C. There's a party in my pants and you're invited.

What did you answer most?

Mostly A

A perfect book for you would have the following key words: cute, adorable, fluffy. You love banter and misunderstandings that lead to more banter and ultimately, love/like declarations that make even the coldest heart (read: Ellis) go aaaaawww. Shipping the ship is where it's at, especially if it comes with a delightful dose of humor.

Blythe recommends:

Speechless by Hannah Harrington

Mel recommends:

 On the Fence by Kasie West

Ellis recommends:

The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater

Mostly B

You like it when a book features a normal and realistic portrayal of love. That doesn't necessarily mean it's less funny or shipworthy than A, just that there are more ups and downs in the (budding) relationship. Strong friendships are often part of the deal and it isn't that uncommon to start yelling at one or more of the characters. You're just that invested.

Blythe recommends:

The Beginning of Everything by Robyn Schneider

Mel recommends:

Wild Awake by Hilary T. Smith

Ellis recommends:

Saving Francesca by Melina Marchetta

Mostly C

You're fond of the darker forms of romance, which often come in the shape of tortured and/or forbidden love. Inappropriate is another word for it. Hate-to-love isn't that uncommon, as is unresolved sexual tension.

Blythe recommends:

Dangerous Girls by Abigail Haas

(Cruel Beauty was, of course, my initial choice for this; however, since we've already given that away for the event, Dangerous Girls is also worthy of this spot because WHOA UNHEALTHY ROMANCE. And it's glorious.)

Mel recommends:

Stolen: A Letter To My Captor by Lucy Christopher 

(I had originally chosen Dangerous Girls but Blythe chose that one. I've heard that this one would be suiting though.)

Ellis recommends:

The Falconer by Elizabeth May


a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. really that's strange: i've got a majority of B and yes teh definition is quite fitting for me. but i absolutely don't know the recommendation while i would have loved to discover the raven boys or the falconner^^;;

    thank you a lot for this giveaway ( international i hope)

  2. HAHAHA I faillllllll at this quiz. Seriously. I got 5 As, 5 Bs, and 4 Cs. o____________o It's kind of interesting because I would think C would win out for me because I'm a serious hate-to-love girl, but I guess A also fits. BANTER BANTER BANTER. That's why I loved Ask Again Later so much. 100% banter that book, and I absolutely loved it. (But TL;DR, I just love love, k? k.)

  3. The As and Bs were neck and neck at the beginning, and then the As took over - except for a triple string of Cs in the middle. (I do like a bad boy now and then. ;) But overall, the As have it for me, and to no one's surprise. Great quiz - loved it. And thanks for the giveaway! :)

  4. Aw, super fun! In the end, the Bs only won by one.

  5. HAHAHAHA! I was a mix of A and B. Lovely post!

  6. Ohhhh, this is true! I have 5 A, 7 B en 2 C. I'm definitely in the B category. Although I see a couple of books in the other categories I'd love to read too (The falconer!!)


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