Are You Ready for Finding Swoons in Books?

... Because swoons are all something we hope to find in books, right? I hope you answered "right!" in response to that because, in celebration of Valentine's Day coming up, we'll be having some fun, romance-filled posts on the blog for the next week. It's kind of like what we did for Halloween with Finding Fright in Books, but this is DIFFERENT. Because DIFFERENT HOLIDAY. And DIFFERENT AUTHORS.

And there's the next thing about this event--the posts will be written by a bunch of awesome authors whose books, a) either have romances we adore, or b) have romances that look adorable. These posts will contain many fun and swoon-y things, all leading up to a big post on Valentine's Day! So, prepare yourself for some awesome posts and some swoon-y swoons and some fun this week! 

So yeah. 


  1. What a fun idea! I can't wait to see which authors will guest post. Haha...that Valentine totally cracked me up :-)

  2. I can't wait to read your upcoming posts ladies! I'm always up for some swoon and fun! :)

  3. I'm so excited!! I love Valentines Day and am planning on celebrating all week this year- movies, books, and LOTS of baking! This will fit in perfectly, can't wait to read all the posts :) I luuurve swoons <3

  4. Ahahaha omg, perfect Valentine's Day card.

    Super excited to see what swoon-y swoons you have in store for us! :D

  5. Where did Nick's right shoulder go? Lol

  6. I just scrolled down to Nick and literally laughed out loud for two minutes straight. Thanks for that.


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