Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, where each week we're given a new book-related topic, and give our top ten books relating to the week's given topic. This week's topic is the Top Ten Books I Wish Could Have Had Sequels.
1. The Beginning of Everything: I completely fell in love with Robyn Schneider's gorgeous debut, along with her characters, and would love to have the chance to revisit them some day. Although the main relationship was wrapped up pretty tightly by the end of the novel, there are some other lives, relationships, and perspectives (*cough* Toby's) that I would love to read about.
2. Perfect Lies: So, I wasn't a huge fan of Mind Games, but I will say that, for those of you who don't know already, Perfect Lies REALLY surprised me. In every sense of the word, this installment of Mind Games was an improvement upon the first. It is also, however, the last installment. I don't know where Kiersten White will go with Annie and Fia's stories should there ever be a third installment or companion novel, but the ending of Perfect Lies was open enough for there to be possibilities, and I'm hopeful.
3. Life After Theft: This book was so much fun for me, and I really enjoyed the character development, but that ending was just heartbreaking for me. And a little...blunt? I understand that the bluntness made the ending bear more of an impact on the reader (and it did), but I would love to see how the events of Life After Theft affects Jeff in his future.

4. September Girls: Show of hands, who is surprised to find this book on this list? You should be surprised, because, as you probably already know, I hated this book. I really, truly hated it. BUT, I would be interested in seeing how much, or even if, Sam has really "changed" after his relationship with DeeDee in a sequel. Odds are I would not read that sequel, but I would instead ask someone who has read it to tell me what happens.
5. Boundless: I want more of this couple, plain and simple. I neeeeeed more of these two. I won't specify which two, because there are people who haven't read this trilogy yet and don't know who she ends up with, but yeah. Need.

7. The Iron Fey: Yes, I know there is the spin-off/companion to this series with Meghan's younger brother, and yes, that was pretty damn fantastic, but I want more of the original crew, too. Some more Meghan and Ash novels would be nice, but what I really, really need? A Puck novel. Nothing but Puck. Puck finding his love, Puck going for a walk, Puck eating breakfast--anything. (ALSO someone please tell me I'm not the only one who think Ash looks like Topher Grace on this cover?)
8. Golden: This is also extremely self explanatory. To say that I merely loved Golden would be an understatement, and while I know there may not be that much to expand upon in a sequel, there are some possibilities, and that's all I need.
9. Every Day: I've been curious about what happens to A ever since the open ending of Every Day, and while I acknowledge that the ambiguity of what happens may be the point of the ending, and that the chances of a sequel are very slim, I'd be completely interested in reading a sequel to Every Day.
10. Wild Awake: This is kind of the same as Every Day--the ending of this one was open, too, but I'm pretty sure it was ambiguous intentionally. However, I would love to see what happens between Kiri and Skunk in a sequel.
I could only come up with 8 books too. Harry Potter is an obvious choice, I also have it on my TTT :) I didn't read any of the other, but some are on my to-read list (except for September Girls which I don't want to read :))
ReplyDeleteMy TTT.
I updated it with two. Go figure, AFTER I write the post, I'm able to come up with so many more books I'd like to read more of. And you're spot on for not wanting to read September Girls. Just saying. ;)
DeleteThe only book I can really think that I wanted more of was Girl of Nightmares. I wish Blake would revisit Cas. I think there could be many more adventures for us to share. Great list...and I was surprised to see September Girls on your list. I never did read it. Curious but not THAT curious to read it. :-)
ReplyDeleteMy Friends Are Fiction
Oh, GoN! Yes! When I first finished it, I thought it was a trilogy only to find out, it was not. Sadness.
DeleteAh, yes. I've only read Anna Dressed in Blood, but I really enjoyed it. I should probably get to Girl of Nightmares soon!
DeleteThat's always sad. :/
DeleteMy list was a bit hard to compile! I really need some Harry Potter in any shape or form. I was super surprised to see September Girls, but your reasoning does make a lot of sense.
ReplyDelete-Scott Reads It!
As was mine, until now, when I am able to think of much more books I would like to read more of. Go figure. And gah, yes. I need more Harry Potter.
DeleteI haven't read Boundless yet, but I've read the first two and I LOVE THEM, so I totally agree with a sequel for that trilogy. That's one of those stories I could read for eternity probably because I love the characters so much.
ReplyDeleteOH, you need to read Boundless. It's disappointing in some aspects, but it's still a good conclusion. But I adore the characters.
DeleteI was floored when I saw September Girls, but I can see the reasoning behind it.
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't mind seeing more of the couple from the Unearthly series either. They were perfect! (Hopefully we're talking about the same couple!)
~Andrea @ Beauty but a Funny Girl
Ha, that's what I was expecting!
DeleteOh, and I think we're talking about the same couple. I loved them both, but I had a preference. I would like to read more of THE couple and their future.
YES I agree with Golden so VERY VERY MUCH. <3
DeleteDid a spittake when I saw September Girls on there. GIRL YOU CRAZY. Can't believe I forgot The Beginning of Everything! I would LOVVVVE a Toby-centric sequel for that. Yes, yes, a thousand times yes. HP. DUH.
ReplyDeleteLOL. Why yes I am. And AH, TBoE. YES.
DeleteI was shocked when I saw September Girls on your list, but your reasoning makes sense. I really need to get around to the Unearthly trilogy, I've been hearing amazing things about it! Great list. :)
ReplyDeleteMy TTT:
I'm glad most people seem to think that my reasoning behind a September Girls sequel makes sense! And yes, the Unearthly series is fantastic. And it has the best characters EVER.
DeleteHuh, there are only two books in the Mind Games series? Also, no matter how much better that one was, I can't.
ReplyDeleteI would, however, read Toby's story.
On HP, the same thing. That. Exactly.
Only two. *sigh* And as much as I liked Perfect Lies, you shouldn't read it. Because there's a very large chance you will dislike that, and I don't want to look crazy.
TBoE: I need to read this.
ReplyDeletePerfect Lies: This surprises me. I just cannot get with the author's writing style for the life of me. It's like a cheese grater against my patience.
Life After Theft: I can't bring myself to read anything else by this author after the Wings series. That ending. UGH. Glad to hear things have improved, though.
SG: Absolutely. My biggest issue with the book was that I don't think there was enough change (or any at all) in Sam. If I could have seen that change, my review would have been entirely different.
Boundless: Eh. I was disappointed with this one. I didn't like how one guy was just left out in the rain. >_>
HP: As much as I would love for JK to continue on with HP, I would be afraid of it not being as good. Like, it had a great run and it was fantastic. Sometimes I think some of the magic of a series is the fact of it going out with a bang.
The Iron Knight: YOU SAID PUCK. YES. TO EVERYTHING. PUUUUUCCCCKKKKK! (Though, in the interview we did with Julie, she said that just because he didn't find love doesn't mean he isn't happy. This has only slightly pacified me.)
Golden: I still need to read this. It's on my Kindle waiting for me. *hides*
DeleteIt really surprised me, too. Much to my surprise, her writing was more than tolerable in Perfect Lies. It was a complete turn around. And the incoherency in Fia's chapters became more frequent towards the end of the novel, as she further descended into mental instability, and it was actually really...intelligent. I was incredibly surprised.
And I'm so glad you agree with me on September Girls. I can't say it would have made a HUGE different, but if there were any sign that Sam went through a legitimate change by the end of the novel, the book probably would have gotten two stars from me.
I was pretty disappointed in some aspects of Boundless, but enjoyed it as a whole. REALLY don't like how the...other one...was completely abandoned. That was shit.
And I would be terrified before reading another Harry Potter novel should there ever be one, but I want oneeeee.
I was surprised to see September Girls on your list... because I've heard that it's atrociously bad! I guess it makes sense to want a decent sequel to a really bad book, though.
ReplyDeleteHa, it seems surprise is the general consensus for September Girls being on this list. And I did think it was atrociously bad. And I don't really *want* a decent sequel to it, I just want there to be some growth in Sam's character.
Delete2. White might write a short story and have it published in one of those anthologies like 13 Tales of X and X. (I can't remember their titles now, but Enthralled was one & others were edited by Trisha Telep).
ReplyDelete6. If there were a sequel or more HP, I don't know if I could get into it. I love the world, I love the characters, I love J.K. Rowling's writing, but it's so ingrained into my childhood that I wonder if some of the magic would be gone. A spin-off series? Another children's series from her? Maybe, yeah.
Oh, hey, I refreshed the page so that blogger wouldn't eat my comment as GR sometimes does, and you added two more! There's a character named Skunk in Wild Awake? Points for unusual names o.O.
Oh, really? I'd be interested in reading that. And that is a good point... I, personally, would be absolutely terrified if JK Rowling were to write anything involving Harry Potter. But seeing her writing again gives me hope.
DeleteAnd yes, I added some more, because I was able to think of some more. And his *real* name isn't Skunk, but that's what everyone calls him.
I agree with you on Boundless. I actually wish we could get more about the guy she didn't choose. ~Pam
ReplyDeleteYES. Agree completely. That was left too out in the open.
Delete*jaw drop* There are so many titles that I would not expect you to choose, Blythe! For instance September Girls and Perfect Lies (though I am equally surprised that you enjoyed that as well) BUt I have got to agree of Harry Potter and Boundless, my life feels so empty with more additions to those amazing series.
ReplyDeleteLovely post, Blythe! <33
ReplyDelete(But seriously, it's awesome that the second book improved enough for you to put it in here. I swore off this series after your review of the first, but I may have to reconsider that.)
As for September Girls... another surprising pick. But I like your reasoning. That's what blogger friends are for -- they spoil the things you are curious about but not enough to actually read/see. coughscarymoviescough.
GOLDEN! YES. How did I forget this one? I would LOVE a sequel for this too. But only if Parker and Trevor live happily ever after.
High-five for both of us picking Wild Awake. I fucking loved that novel and I think Kiri would be strong enough character to carry a second book as well.
Also, yes, world, please give me more Harry Potter. A book on the Marauders! Or even the offspring of HP and his contemporaries. ANYTHING JKR. I WANT LITERALLY ANYTHING SET IN THIS WORLD.
ReplyDeleteWith TBOE, it functions really well as a stand-alone buuuuuuuuuut if RF WERE to write a sequel, let's be honest: I'd read it, and flail over it. I adored Ezra and Toby SO much, and I'd LOVE a Toby-centric novel. Or novella. Or chapter. SIGH.
A Golden sequel would be lovely, as well!
Molli | Once Upon a Prologue
Oh. my. god. September Girls. That is shocking xD but I sort of agree. For it to be that beautiful commentary on sexism and feminism and whatever that people are claiming it to be, it needs to show Sam's development afterwards. I'll never give enough shits to read it though. *shrug*
ReplyDeleteHARRY POTTER. YES. GOOD. And Golden - definitely would read that. Nice list :)
I was a bit shocked about September Girls. I mean, I was all like "OMG WTF?" However, great follow up. I never thought about looking into books that I disliked for a sequel!