Waiting on Wednesday - Top Ten Clues You're Clueless


Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Breaking the Spine where we post upcoming releases we're highly anticipating. My pre-publication selection for this week's Waiting on Wednesday is Top Ten Clues You're Clueless by Liz Czukas.

Top Ten Clues You're Clueless
Liz Czukas
Series: None
Released: December 9th, 2014
Publisher: HarperTeen
Waited on by: Mel
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Top Five Things That Are Ruining Chloe’s Day

5) Working the 6:30 a.m. shift at GoodFoods Market

4) Crashing a cart into a customer’s car right in front of her snarky coworker Sammi

3) Trying to rock the “drowned rat” look after being caught in a snowstorm

2) Making zero progress with her crush, Tyson (see #3)

1) Being accused—along with her fellow teenage employees—of stealing upwards of $10,000

Chloe would rather be anywhere than locked in work jail (aka the break room) with five of her coworkers . . . even if one of them is Tyson. But if they can band together to clear their names, what looks like a total disaster might just make Chloe’s list of Top Ten Best Moments.

Top Five Reasons Why Mel Wants This Book So Badly

5) She recently read the author's debut, Ask Again Later and it was an adorable explosion of adorableness. If this one isn't adorable, what else could it be?

4) Liz Czukas is queen of banter. Banter is good. Banter banter banter.

3) Mel likes clumsy characters in contemporary books.

2) Mel likes snarky characters even more. Can't wait to meet this Sammi person.

1) This author rules at fluffy romances. Mel loves properly written fluffy romances. They're just so...

*melts into a puddle*

What are you waiting on?

Leave a link in the comments!


  1. Ooh, I still haven't read Ask Again Later, but between the great reviews and this excellent blurb, I'm penciling Liz Czukas into my TBR now.

  2. I need to read this too! I just finished Ask Again Later and I love her writing style! Bring it, is all I can say!
    My WoW


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