Waiting on Wednesday (August 15)

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event hosted by Breaking the Spine, where we post upcoming releases we're highly anticipating. My pre-publication selection for this week's Waiting on Wednesday is Lucid byAdirenne Stoltz.

Adrienna Stoltz
Series: None
Release Date: October 2nd, 2012
Publisher: Razorbill
Number of Pages: 342

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What if you could dream your way into a different life? What if you could choose to live that life forever?

Sloane and Maggie have never met. Sloane is a straight-A student with a big and loving family. Maggie lives a glamorously independent life as an up-and-coming actress in New York. The two girls couldn't be more different--except for one thing. They share a secret that they can't tell a soul. At night, they dream that they're each other.

The deeper they're pulled into the promise of their own lives, the more their worlds begin to blur dangerously together. Before long, Sloane and Maggie can no longer tell which life is real and which is just a dream. They realize that eventually they will have to choose one life to wake up to, or risk spiraling into insanity. But that means giving up one world, one love, and one self, forever.
Why am I anticipating this book? Well, for starters, have you seen the cover? Yeah. That's reason enough to want to read this book. But then, along with the gorgeous cover, we're given an incredibly intriguing and awesome synopsis? Hell yes! October can't come soon enough, because I must get my hands on this book. I can only hope it shows up on NetGalley, because it was on Edelweiss and I requested this book the day it was uploaded, and, of course, I get a response months later saying they were out of e-copies to give bloggers. Go figure. 

What are you waiting on?

Link me up in the comments!


  1. Ha, this is the second WOW I've seen today that has a plot I once wanted to write my own book about. Though this is a bit different, so I may be safe here. But regardless, it sounds SO so cool and clever! I'm adding this to my TBR immediately.

    My WOW: http://cjlistro.blogspot.com/2012/08/waiting-on-wednesday-not-exactly-love.html

  2. You're right about the pretty cover and the awesome synopsis. I'll definitely have to read this when it comes out! :)

    Mary @ Books Equal Brains!

  3. There are so many books coming out in October that I can't wait to read and this is definitely one of them! My WOW

  4. I can't wait to read this one! It sounds so AWESOME. The cover is just gorgeous.


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